It’s time to pack up your suitcase and leave for a new adventure. It’s easy to feel like you’re about to embark on a journey without a map or the right gear, but don’t worry! We’ve put together some tips that will help you navigate your way from one destination to another.

Get the right map

  • Get a map that covers the area you will be traveling in.
  • Make sure it is up to date.
  • Make sure it is waterproof.

Pack the essentials

Pack your essentials.

If you’re traveling to a new area, it’s important to pack the right items. An essential is anything that will help you survive in that environment, such as food and water. You should also have a first aid kit on hand if you know where the closest hospital is located or how much it costs per day (especially helpful if there are no pharmacies around). In addition, consider packing at least one book about local culture and history so that you can learn more about your surroundings during your trip!

It’s also wise not only pack clothing appropriate for the season but also accessories like hats/scarves/gloves/sunglasses etc., depending on where exactly you’ll be visiting physically .

Practice before you leave

  • Practice on a map. In addition to learning the location of your destination and making sure you know how to get there, it’s important that you practice using your map in advance. This can be done by taking a walk through an area where you will be spending time outside of your home or apartment. Practice getting from one point to another using only this piece of paper as guide—don’t rely on Google Maps! It may seem like an impossible task at first, but as soon as we start getting used to navigating without technology (i.e., using our eyes), things will become much clearer in no time!
  • Use your phone if possible! If there isn’t enough room for everyone during travel times, consider downloading apps such as City Maps: Travel Guide or Waze (free). These apps allow users who don’t have access through traditional methods such as printable maps or online searches because they use GPS tracking technology along with other data sources such as social media feeds etcetera.”

Pack your map in a waterproof bag

To keep your map dry and safe, put it in a waterproof bag. You can use anything from a plastic grocery bag to an old sweater that’s been washed with soap and water but never dried. If you have any extra room in your backpack, add another layer of protection by putting the waterproof covering over the top of everything else you’re carrying.

The best thing about all this? If there’s rain on the way (and there almost always is), don’t worry: your map will still be protected!

When your phone’s battery dies, these tips will help you keep on navigating.

When your phone’s battery dies, these tips will help you keep on navigation.

  • Keep a spare battery charged and ready to go in case of an emergency.
  • Use a solar charger if possible; it’s easy to set up and doesn’t require much maintenance.
  • If you’re not using wireless charging, consider investing in a portable power bank that has multiple ports so you can charge other devices at the same time (like your tablet).


We hope these tips will help you on your travels. We wish you the best of luck and hope that your trip is everything you wanted it to be!